Over the hill? More like out of the valley

And hey, when the hill looks like this you’re sure as hell going to enjoy the ride down. I am twenty-one years old, and closer to twenty-two these days, so usually when people find this out and have got over their initial jaw-droppage (I should explain: I look like I am about twelve, which is great for getting child discounts to things but not so good when I am trying to do an adult’s job and am approached by concerned parents who worry that their children have been put in the care of a pigtail-sucking schoolgirl) their eyes glaze over...

Life Hack: How to make the best of a bad daily routine

This is the substance that replaced my blood long ago I met a few colleagues the other night and we inevitably ended up discussing our job. Our work is starting to reach a worrying crisis point in that a huge and faintly embarrassing number of us have resigned and the few of us left hanging on wake up every morning and pack our colossal rucksacks full of flashcards with a reluctance I can only describe as verging on Edgar Allan Poe-style dread. Furthermore, the worst part of it is that those of us who are staying in the job are...

Oh, to be young and in tights…

I may have already spoken about this briefly before, but kids in Germany have a really sweet deal when they’re little. The first photo in this post is just an example of the kind of fantastic playgrounds they have at their disposal in this city; yes, that is indeed a giant dragon made out of old bits of wooden pallets, and it’s no wonder that there is a grown woman about to clamber onto it herself at the precise second this photo was taken. Doesn’t the sight of it alone make your inner child want to go nuts all over...

Österreich, part Zwei

To clone out the cables, or not to clone out the cables…? I promised another post for today, and here for possibly the first time in the history of Guten Morgen Berlin I am living up to my promise. You can feel special and important about this since I am typing through the agony of a thumb which is throbbing after having accidentally let it get dragged into a metal roller today along with the piece of silver I was supposed to be flattening. Like a small child or someone on hayfever medication, I should not be allowed on or...

The last of the big three, and the home of Mozart’s balls

   As I mentioned before my brief hiatus, this week was Winterferien (winter half term – so that the kids can go out and do wholesome winter sports) and in the spirit of Winterferien I went off to Austria with my parents super awesome and smoking hot snowboarder friends for the week. Hence the silence over here. Also hence the photo; we were in Obertauern, a place so surrounded by stunning landscapes that I was stumbling around saying ‘Whoa’ like everyone in the world’s impression of Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. Oddly, this is a skiing location which is relatively...

On why Germany stole “sorry”

A typical Berlin juxtaposition: charming fish sign, screaming graffiti face. If you don’t have a particularly advanced knowledge of cultural stereotypes, you may not realise that it’s a common assumption that German people are very, very…direct. If you have been living inside an old cereal box for your whole life you might also have missed out on the one that English people are awkward and overpolite. I would like to take this opportunity to announce that both of these prejudices are based on a foundation of truth, a solid cement foundation which I spend every day here stubbing my toe...

The cool kids are raving, but I’d rather be engraving…

“Hey mum, did you bring anything cool back when you finished your year in Berlin, like a piece of the wall or something?” “No dear, but I do have this rather eclectic selection of lampwork beads.” Forgive the poor lighting in this picture, but I just had to show you the fruit of my weekend’s labours. For those of you who don’t know me too well, I’m a bit obsessed with crafting, and in particular I have a lot to do with making jewellery in various media. But making my own beads directly out of glass is something I have...

Kids say, do, sing, dance, touch or destroy the darndest things…

South Lichterfelde, where I teach on Thursday mornings. That white triangle in the distance? An abandoned carousel. Really. Good god, I wish I could be young again. I don’t mean ‘heyday of my youth’ kind of young – I’d like to think I haven’t quite left that in the first place, not to mention that I am repeatedly mistaken for a sixteen-year-old (or younger) and threatening to make me relive puberty is the one surefire threat that would make me do anything in the entire world, even drop-kicking a newborn kitten against a brick wall. No, I mean like toddler-young,...

Where have all the good men gone? Not to Kreuzberg on a Saturday, that’s for sure.

Yeahhh, gritty urban decay, that’s what we were looking for! Sadly though, it’s not Kreuzberg so it’s not cool. Admittedly the photo accompanying this post has woefully little to do with the subject of the post, but it’s not the kind of subject you can really take a photo of without getting people to sign release forms. This Saturday my sweet and optimistic new flatmate brought me along to a taster session of tango-dancing at a dance school in Kreuzberg – although after three whole hours of tango it felt less like a taster and more like a socking great...

I guess all the weekend warriors died in combat some time ago

“Fish: a sea of healthiness.” You’re damn right they are, Mr. Abandoned Fish Trailer Dude. I hate Sundays in Berlin. With every Sunday I experience in this city my hatred grows and ferments, beginning to resemble the kind of simmering whiny hatred only experienced by South-English children in the 1940s who had to spend Sundays being dragged to church and then kissed by hairy-lipped aunties and grandmas.  Berlin is practically the capital of Europe. It’s effortlessly cool and during the week a complete bulldozer of a city; you pulse around the place all day, day after day, driven constantly onwards...