Meanwhile, other things happened in the universe

Thank god, a newspaper without football all over the front cover. Better still, it’s not actually a newspaper, it’s a menu. Cake, please. A few evenings ago I was returning home from a very long and painful day at work, carrying in my arms a large cardboard box full of groceries and also one pair of very cool luminescent socks (thank you, Lidl). But when I arrived at my apartment block, and approached the large gateway through to the back section where I live, I could not get any further, because it was the apocalypse. Or at least something like...

The monster next door

One time I came to work and this was spraypainted on my desk.  I‘ve just been promoted. Rather, I’ve received a new job title which, in the words of my boss, is little more than simply ‘calling a spade a spade’. My new title is ‘Head Office Manager and Design Co-ordinator’, the second part referring to how I co-ordinate words and pictures on a page and then co-ordinate those pages with a printer, much like a designer but not – I repeat, not – a designer, merely a co-ordinator. Co-ordinating. The first part of my new title means a lot...

The Merry Hives of F-Hain

Always hang up your bees to dry in a cool, well-ventilated area. In true ‘Berliner pensioner’ fashion, Sunday mornings have now become my regular gardening session; I like to wander down and potter about after breakfast while the young’uns are still in bed nursing their hangovers. There’s pretty much only one job to be done each week: weed eradication. Well, not so much eradication as a distressed flailing while they erupt all over the bed so vigorously you can practically hear it. Today I also thinned out the golden beetroot seedlings and replanted the extras – and then a little...

Vegging out

Whenever I see droplets on my plants, I say a little prayer that it isn’t dog pee. Out of all the personal achievements I most prize from my time in Berlin so far, the greatest is this: I am finally in possession of my very own garden. Admittedly it’s about the area of a large dining table and it’s surrounded by dozens of other people’s tiny gardens which seem to be doing their level best to froth over and infest mine, but mine it is, five square metres of land. It wasn’t easy to get; dedicated readers might remember the...

1 Year Berliversary

I just know that someone is going to set fire to these, or poop on them, or let their chihuahua dig them up. Welcome back! I say that to myself, of course, since I can only assume that during that epic hiatus of non-blogging all of my three regular readers have since packed up and gone back to Buzzfeed where they belong. These last few weeks, in between the infinite crises at work, dragging my unwilling corpse to the gym, fulfilling possibly unwise promises, cultivating my garden and trying to beat back the wild, encroaching mess in my flat with...

Ex-sick-utive Assistant

Dude, you look like I feel… On Sunday night, I caught a plane back to Berlin and touched down in the late afternoon. I pottered home, dumped my bag, had a cup of tea, and mooched off to the supermarket to grab a few bits and pieces for an improv dinner. I returned to the flat, put away the groceries, and lazed around for a little while. Slowly, I began to realise that something wasn’t quite right. And then, more suddenly, I was catapulted by a sudden urge into the bathroom where I would then spend the next eight hours...

Piste off

‘Right then, Steve, I’ll meet you at the bottom for a Long Island Iced Tea.’ It is time, friends, for us to take a holiday from Berlin life; from the dogs, the shouting squatters and the early-morning beer drinkers. For a quiet moment let us leave this strange and alien world and retire to the Alps, a rural existence in the white, snowy peaks. Let us dump our baggage in a cosy hotel room and free our minds. And then, let us strap large, sharp planks to our legs and go outside and slide around on the mountainside. No culture...


Something very sad is happening in Berlin. It all started with something that wasn’t at all sad, not even a little bit. You see, a long time ago, there were some horrible people in Germany that wanted to do do vile stuff to most other people including each other, and hideously vile stuff to the rest of the people, depending on whether or not they belonged to certain groups. These horrible people, much like normal people, also liked flying from place to place and found it quite useful for getting things done, so they put together a huge airport which...

Show me the green

They look like happy, fat monsters. Where did I put my googly eyes… Whoever first had the idea to sell small bunches of herbs in the supermarket was a wily genius. Portioned herbs have got to have the highest profit margin of all the world’s commodities; sure, gold is expensive per gram, but presumably less expensive than the 1.60€ one is expected to pay for three small leaves held together by the world’s smallest elastic band. Plus, gold doesn’t then wilt into inedible sinews just hours after it has been taken home from the shop. German and English supermarkets share...

Creative Arborism 101

The first in the series. A classic that defined the latter works. Further in the series, we see an interesting juxtaposition of asymmetrical tree and signage creating balance in imbalance. A slightly awkward piece; the ‘crossroads’ imagery seems naively overwrought here. Quite possibly the jewel of the collection. This, the finest specimen of all the trees used in the collection, has been knowingly coupled with sublime signage and a wry parallelism with the real tree. Magnificent. It’s that festive time of year again. When families, friends and flatmates come together across the continent, unite in their living rooms, gaze at...